Clinical Depression (also known as Major Depression) is serious, debilitating, and sometimes even life-threatening. Many people who suffer from depression may respond very well to medications, while others may not. Each time someone tries a medication that does not work, the chances of the next medication working goes down. By the third medication trial failure, medical studies have shown there is a more effective treatment: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS).

Southeastern Psychiatric Associates was the very first practice on the South Shore to offer TMS and still has the most experience in the region. Our physicians were trained by one of the pioneers in the field of TMS. You get personal attention with us, because we are a local group practice, not a corporation.

Our group has been serving the area since 1983.

Dr. Gary Warstadt

Doctor Warstadt is one of the partners at Southeastern Psychiatric Associates, and has been with the practice since 1989. He includes both psychotherapy and psychopharmacology in his practice, often weaving both together. He was deeply involved in bringing TMS to the group beginning in the fall of 2015. He was trained in TMS theory and technique by Dr. Linda Carpenter, one of the pioneers in the field, and is a member of the Clinical TMS Society.

Dr. Dean Solomon

Dr. Solomon is Board Certified in Adult Psychiatry and founded Southeastern Psychiatric Associates in 1983. Areas of expertise: psychoanalysis, adult psychotherapy, adult psychopharmacology, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, couples therapy, group therapy.

Dr. Leonard Marcus

Dr. Marcus is Board Certified in Adult Psychiatry and has been at Southeastern Psychiatric Associates for over 24 years. Areas of expertise: adult psychotherapy and adult psychopharmacology, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.